The Space Between

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our power.– Viktor Frankl

Those words have been some of the most influential on my thinking about myself, my circumstances, and the world around me. I found them courtesy of my dear friend Bruce Daines, who introduced me to Viktor Frankl’s work. I owe a debt of gratitude to Bruce that includes not only introducing me to Man’s Search for Meaning, but to sailing on Lake Tahoe, and the joys of quiet defiance in a broken system. In addition to Bruce, there are so many other people to thank for inspiring me to commit myself to this endeavor. A more thoughtful dedication to those people will replace this text soon. If you have stumbled upon this page, welcome. Please stick around! Please join me on an breathwork-focused exploration of the space between.


No Regrets


If I told you more, you wouldn’t believe it