No Regrets
Regret. It is a normal human emotion and an unavoidable companion to reflection. It is also very powerful, and if we are not mindful of its influence, regret can infect the present and steal our joy. I don’t want that for any of us, and so I offer this quote (attributed to a Chinese proverb) for your consideration:
“The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
Many of us at Oak Park are new to our physical practice. Certainly the vast majority of us are new — novices, really — to strength training, gymnastics work, and the Olympic lifts. When the challenges of developing our strength, our gymnastics skills, and our barbell prowess get in our heads, it can be easy to get discouraged and fall into the trap of ruminating on all the “what ifs” and “should haves.” We fixate on all the things we did not do and all the things we cannot change, and the satisfaction we might otherwise find in our fitness journey gets soured or even erased. That is no way to live.
When you find yourself (or a friend) sinking into regret, remind yourself that not even God can change the past. When it comes on, acknowledge the feeling (without judgment) but instead of dwelling on the immutable past ask yourself, “What good can come from this? What will I do differently? Will I choose to do my best in this moment so that future me will not feel this same regret?” Build this habit over time and I believe you will find that there is so much more joy in your life.